AI in education: what benefits and opportunities for students

AI in education

Today, AI and education are going hand in hand to produce new teaching and learning innovative solutions. The idea is to prepare today’s students to work in a future AI word. In this context, massive AI investments are being done in the education field globally.
How students can get benefits from this AI educational experience? 

Personalized Learning Experience

Pedagogy based AI consider that every student is unique. So, an AI system will customize the learning experience based on a student’s strengths and weaknesses. IA can design programs able to determine personalized courses and support services for students. 

Cooperative Learning

By collecting and exploring student data, AI systems can gather students based on their hard and soft skills. This will avoid struggle and make the learning process more efficient.

Meaningful Feedback

By using AI methods, students can feel comfortable to make mistakes and receive feedbacks online or via text message (students are not more hesitant about taking risks in front of teachers or peers).

Universal Language Learning

Thanks to IA translation services, students can take more advantages to have access to any course whatever the language.

Learning through Immersive Experiences

Immersive learning exploits an immersive environment that involves our senses, especially, vision, sound, and touch. It can help students to better understand and retain courses in a new way that increases learning motivation and engagement.

Predicting Best Career 

AI systems can also, predict the future best career of a student by analyzing their performances and obtained result through grades. This will make the university filed election process more effective and efficient.

There are many other AI applications for education. Here are some companies already using AI in education.
