Tips to succeed in computer sciences studies

computer science student
Computer Science is a challenging, and growing field that impacts the world in countless ways. In fact, like it or not, we are living in a digital age where societies are driven by computer technology.
From school to work, understanding how computers work and how to use them is becoming essential in daily life.
So, if you are interested in preparing a career opportunity in computer sciences that means that you are choosing a degree with a high focus on employability. Indeed, all industries today need computer experts. There will be more than 500,000 new jobs in IT by 2020 in the world.
There’s a lot to consider, from choosing a computer science degree that will nurture a range of technical and soft skills, to gaining professional experience and building up your CV. Many options are possible including software developer, database administrator, network engineer, data scientist, security specialist, and many others.
Below we'll explore tips, strategies, and skills to succeed in studying computer science courses.

  •          Courses will not teach you everything:
IT and computer sciences courses won’t cover all the skills you might need in a job. So you need to go beyond, build your skill set and learn more of few competencies taught in class! For example, it might be a good idea to look for massive open online courses (MOOCs). They are free online classes that provide a flexible way to learn new skills. Most popular MOOC platforms are Open Classrooms, Khan Academy, Coursera, udemy, etc….

  •           Develop soft skills:  

to succeed in computer science studies and career, technical skills are not everything, interpersonal skills like teamwork and communication are also so important.

  •         Train Your Mental Discipline

Programming is not an easy task, it is long hours of staring at a screen coding and analyzing a problem. Find out your own programming habits: whether listening to music or having a hot cup of coffee or maybe studying together at a library…

  •          build an interesting/amazing  e-portfolio:  

WordPress, eduportfolio, YouTube chain are some of the platforms where you can record your progress in computer studies. You can even attach your projects and use it as your portfolio to showcase to interviewers for internships and jobs.
It’s a lifestyle! All is about the daily process of learning and attaining your degree,  it’s about the friendships you forge, the challenges you overcome, and how you grow. The achievement is just a bonus. That’s what makes computer science a meaningful career.

By : Naouar belghini
